Monday 21 May 2012

Gender Equality

One of the largest impacts of gender inequality in underdeveloped countries is poverty.  Although gender inequality is not the #1 source, it is a hindrance towards numerous solutions. To lift a country out of poverty one of the things you need is for the citizens to work together so that they can acquire an education, fill fields in demand (Police, Doctor etc) and build/re-build a societal structure and a sustainable way of living. If there’s gender inequality that leaves a large percentage of the population unable to help thus making these goals that much harder to accomplish. The path to equality will be difficult but I believe it is a major factor in solving many world issues like poverty. One step toward equality could be to show these men as well as the women the benefits of equality on the developing world. This could be done by persuading the government or something simple like writing a letter to someone in that area. By showing these people that women are full of potential and promise and are not just a burden perhaps they can learn to change. A more drastic step is hearing the defence of the people who see women as a burden and work towards eliminating those factors.  There are some people that under their circumstances do not treat woman equally, this step enquires that you remove these circumstances. Any example would be that a girl has to stay home because only the boys can go to school, so what you could do is raise money or find another way to build a school that accepts boys and girls.     

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