Tuesday 22 May 2012

European election/Austerity

Europe has recently elected two new leaders: Hollande in France and Pikrammenos in Greece. This could prove troublesome for the situation in the European economy. Hollande wants to promote a socialist government. This is not in the best interest of the EU as it involves plenty of government spending and although France is not in any direct threat now, what they do affects their neighboring countries (hence the need for the EU). Also Austerity was rejected, without such cut backs Europe is in need of yet another strategy unless the new leader can bring something new to the table. I am interested to see the events unfold and how the EU will handle the their current situation  

As you move into the next phase of your life, how will you try to affect change in the world regarding these issues?

My high school days are coming to an end. As I enter the next level of education and the workplace I hope to use what I have learned in world issues to help resolve global issues. I hope to raise awareness of these issues through film and commercial advertising social media and other methods of that nature. I also hope to volunteer my time and dedicate myself to a cause. I have spent time telling myself `I simply don`t have the time` but with a little organization and structure I realize I have plenty. I could volunteer in any step of the relief process, anywhere from collecting donations to providing them directly to the people in need. Down the road in my career when I am near retirement I hope to donate lots of money as I will probably be too old to move around a lot. Also in my old age I could guilt trip people in donating their money and time through parties and charities. Perhaps I could make children volunteer at a research facility as a punishment for breaking my window with their shenanigans. I digress but what you should take from all this is that I realize that making a difference is not as hard as some people might think and a sarcastic person like me can dedicate their life to change without sacrificing too much. That is the kind of people I want to convince help: people that do not want to make much of an effort of change all their ways. I want to show them that they are still useful and there are easy transitions they can make to becoming good global citizens. When people are ignorant or un bearably selfish I have a tendency to simply laugh nervously and ignore them rather than tell them off. So after that laugh I could convince them that they can go green without breaking budget. Or that they can save a life just going on the internet. We all have our part to play in making the world a better place and I believe these are mine.

Monday 21 May 2012

What is the biggest threat facing our Canada in the next 50 years?

I believe that the issue of global water supply will affect Canada in the near future. With the great lakes combined with the northern glaciers Canada has one of the biggest deposits of fresh water. As mentioned in a lot of class discussions people don`t feel the gravity of an issue until it affects them directly.  I believe that if we don`t find a way to supply other countries with water, everyone will turn to Canada and it will affect Canadians directly. The government may have to limit the water supply or raise prices or worst case scenario and highly unlikely: someone invades. All three scenarios will cause serious problems to Canada`s economy (some more than other) but there are possible solutions. It has been predicted that Canada Northern climate will get warmer and with the increase in population it may provide attractive living conditions. And perhaps with the people and climate we can extract glacier water much easier. It is long shot must make their will be enough water to go around. Perhaps global warming and the changing of the Earth’s climate may create new fresh water opportunities elsewhere. A more common belief is that we find a new method of extracting fresh water from the sea. Currently our methods are too expensive and ineffective and the natural water cycle is too long and does it work in such a way to supply our demand. In African desserts they learned how to extract water at night from the methods an indigenous beetle. I think what we should take from that is Nature still has a thing or two to teach us and perhaps we are not looking close enough.      

What have you learned about yourself during the course?

I am capable of more than I realize. I used to think there were very few options to assist in global issues based far far away beyond simply throwing money at it (which isn`t a bad thing). This course taught me all the ways I can spend my time helping like volunteering and consulting and messaging donating, or simply raising awareness. Before this course it never occurred to me that perhaps I should message my government asking them to resolve issues. I am sure if I am consistent and make a good case they will reply and probably actually help. I have also learned the gravity the field of film and other media can have on global issues. Since this is field I wish to enter, I hope I can use what I have learned in this course to promote or raise awareness for a cause. As long as the leader doesn`t go on a naked bender I am sure my contribution will be significant.

3 Issues of this course

The three most important issues I have learned during this course was the AIC and other issues in the Middle East, Globalization and how I can become a global citizen, and global issue concerning the worlds water supply. Most of the worlds more serious and possibly war starting conflicts are in the Middle East. Learning more about each country their and their relation to one any other have not only given me perspective but has also helped me understand what is to come next for the world and where I can be of assistance. The idea globalization and how intertwined countries have become has given me a chance to re-examine my life goals and create a path that channels my energy more usefully in becoming a global citizen. And finally the issue of fresh water has taught me that Canada yet again is the leader in a resource that may soon grow scarce. Know this has made me more thankful for my dual citizen ship (That was a joke I`d never survive in Nigeria). But in all seriousness I hope somewhere down the road to use my skills in my field to prevent any serious conflict over sharing the worlds water and I hope to create or promote solutions to that issue.

ISU Reflection

The interesting topic the ISU was sex trafficking, what alarmed me more specifically was the severity of illegal underground activity in the world. I was aware that any third world country would have an issue of underground activity adding on the their problems but a sex slave for example could be sold to more developed countries in Europe as well as North America. This has changed the way I look at developed countries. It means that even with our money, our government and our border control these things still get passed us to an extent that it is a global issue. My peers have brought to light the full scope of the issue and I know see why it such a global issue  I am sure there is some sort of expression about cutting off a creature from its food supply, the same goes for business and illegal trafficking. By finding the customers in our borders, our jurisdiction, and bringing them to justice we are cutting off their demand, thus crippling their business. I am neither old nor wise so I don`t have all the answers but it is an idea.    

Stop Racism: What is the next step?

It is a good thing to see that in this world there are places where things like slavery and segregation seem ridiculous. It is good because it says to me that it does not happen in the circles of the people that find in ridiculous and that they would never allow it in their circles. This is a good thing, as long as we do not neglect the reality that these things still exist in the world. Places like Canada have achieved the first step: creating a legal and government system that allows all races the same opportunities and rights, the next step changing the social order of things. Canada is country full of immigrants so of course the question of where your family originated is common, but let it so that your background does not give people a preconceived notion of your character. I hope one day that the upper class Arab community in Yemen can judge any lower class Akhdam person based solely in what they have to say and not where they come from. I hope that anyone from the Mohawk tribe can marry outside their tribe without being told they are giving up their culture. Of course this will not solve all the world’s problems. In a world without racism I am sure people still cannot all get along but at least they would be given a chance to, and I am hoping that in most cases if you give a person a chance they will surprise you.